Monday, September 12, 2011

Two Things

I decided to use the programmatic properties file reading for a more 'sensible' solution to my last implementation:

applicationContext.groovy (via spring-grails DSL/BeanBuiler) in the src/webapp/WEB-INF directory

Properties properties = loadProperties(logger)

Properties loadProperties(logger) {
    String baseFilename = ""
    String defaultBaseFilename = ""
    def contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
    String defaultFilename = contextClassLoader.getResource(defaultBaseFilename).getFile()
    String overrideFileName = contextClassLoader.getResource(baseFilename)?.getFile()

    File defaultPropertyFile = new File(defaultFilename)

    Properties properties = new Properties()
    properties.load(new FileReader(defaultPropertyFile))

    if(overrideFileName) {
        File overridePropertyFile = new File(overrideFileName)
        if(overridePropertyFile.exists()) {
   "Loading overrides..."
            properties.load(new FileReader(overridePropertyFile))
    else {
        logger.warn "No override properties file was found, using project defaults ONLY."
    } "Properties"
    properties.each {k,v -> "$k=$v"}

    return properties

The throughout the 'beans' closure, I can say 'properties[property]' at load time rather than getting a proxy as the last implementation returned.  This means I can use properties to conditionally configure
beans based on environment.  It also allows a '' file that will hopefully cover 90% of
what will be done and then the '' can cover the few things that will likely be
different but can be loaded via that environment (e.g. tomcat/lib).

The other thing is I did very basic implementation with full CRUD for an EclipsePhase character tracker with a Flex front-end and a Gaelyk back-end.

Slow services on app engine, but free.  Using the app engine Entity for persistence is easy but I still thing I'll look at doing it with Grails and deploying to CloudFoundry as long as it is 'cheap enough'.

Code is nothing exciting but on github.

No guarantees that the code will stick around or stay the same as the base site.  Cool thing is...with Flex (and my skills), the back-end can change.  Not embedded in any particular environment (e.g. Gaelyk, Grails, Rails, Spring).

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